The rules of ADM!

Listen up people, he is ADM and his song "Utopia". 

A great mix of powerfull bass, great kiks and ritmic hats make this song an real pleasure for yours ears!
ADM, real name Andrea Delle Monache, is an italian dj. His kind of music is very detailed, moves a little bit away from the normal techno music. His melody give a strange sense of relax, but in the same time can make you feel opposite sensation. 

Enjoy every single sound of this song, can transport you in a new dimension of music!

The same is for another song of ADM, called "Aired". This song is very old, i remember that it was played in partys of the 2008! 
But doesen't matter, some songs are like the wine:  as more time passes, as better they become!
Enjoy it!